Friday, January 28, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Understanding Whey Protein and Casein
There are two types of protein powders out there, whey protein and casein protein. Both types of protein are essential for building muscle. If used in the right context they can reduce the catabolic effect and improve the recovery and repair of worked muscle. Here is a brief description of the two proteins.
Whey protein is the most abundant type of protein powder. Whey is a derivative of cheese. When cheese is produced there is a fine liquid that is left over. This liquid is dehydrated to form whey protein powder. Whey protein is a relatively inexpensive protein and can be produced in high quantities. Whey protein is a fast acting protein. Fast acting in the sense that it absorbs quickly through the digestive channels. It enters the bloodstream within twenty minutes of ingestion, and is utilized by the tissues that need protein (muscle). The protein will cycle through the blood system until it is degraded into an unusable compound. At that point it will be eliminated out of the body. When the body does not require high levels of protein, the excess protein is broken down into urea and or glucose. Urea is a by-product of urine. Glucose is a carbohydrate that can be formed from extra amino acids that are floating around in the bloodstream. High protein diets will promote gluconeogenesis. This is why when you are eating enough protein throughout the day you never crave sugars. This is because the protein is used first by the tissues that need it, second is converted into glucose, and third is converted into urea to be eliminated. As long as you are pumping the system with protein in the correct amount you will be feeling energized and satisfied.
Peak production of whey protein once it enters into the bloodstream is about fifty minutes. After that it begins to degrade in the blood. This is why it is important to continually feed the body with protein. Because it doesn't last long in the blood system and must be replenished in order to keep feeding the tissues, especially muscles. Remember, when you breakdown the tissue you must rebuild it. It is a constant battle between protein synthesis and breakdown. If you only take in a little protein, the tissues won't get enough to rebuild and repair.
Casein is also a derivative of cheese and milk. The protein molecular structure of casein is more bound than that of whey protein. For this reason, casein is a slower metabolizing protein. Casein, like whey, will travel through the digestive channels with relative ease and will bypass strenuous hydrolysis through the liver. Once casein enters into the blood stream, peak production can last between three to four hours. This is considerably longer than whey. This is a good protein to ingest after a long intense exercise bout. The muscles are tired and in need of a good supply of protein. So it only makes sense that you would want to keep an ample supply of protein coursing through the blood system to restore and constantly feed the muscle. Keeping the muscle fed ample amounts of protein will drastically reduce catabolism. Catabolism is the kiss of death to the bodybuilder.
Remember, that amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Protein powders are a great way to get a high concentration of amino acids into the blood system. You must keep amino acids high in your system. Positive nitrogen balance.
Here are my suggestions for using protein supplementation to your advantage.
Supplement your daily diet with both whey and casein protein shakes.
It is best to consume a whey protein forty minutes after your regular protein food meal. The reason for this is because whenever you eat regular food you turn on the digestive channels, which in turn activate the secretion of hormones, insulin and glucagon. With these hormones activated the cells become more permeable because their insulin sensitive receptors have become turned on. This allows for the amino acids to enter into to the cells. Food, depending value and consistency, varies in absorption speed. It could take a while for all the nutrients to enter into the blood stream. Having a whey protein shake will force a fast absorption of amino acids into the bloodstream allowing greater uptake into the muscle cells.
Now consume a casein meal, whether from a protein shake or food, three hours after the initial whey protein meal. This will slow down protein breakdown and keep amino acids high in the blood stream. The key is to saturate the blood system with amino acids to stay in an anabolic condition. This is what building muscle is all about.
By manipulating protein throughout the day in the correct fashion will help you on the road to increasing muscle.
Now go eat some protein and grow!!!!
tags: protein, daryl conant, Vince Gironda, Ron Kosloff, strength, bodybuilding, nutrition
Whey protein is the most abundant type of protein powder. Whey is a derivative of cheese. When cheese is produced there is a fine liquid that is left over. This liquid is dehydrated to form whey protein powder. Whey protein is a relatively inexpensive protein and can be produced in high quantities. Whey protein is a fast acting protein. Fast acting in the sense that it absorbs quickly through the digestive channels. It enters the bloodstream within twenty minutes of ingestion, and is utilized by the tissues that need protein (muscle). The protein will cycle through the blood system until it is degraded into an unusable compound. At that point it will be eliminated out of the body. When the body does not require high levels of protein, the excess protein is broken down into urea and or glucose. Urea is a by-product of urine. Glucose is a carbohydrate that can be formed from extra amino acids that are floating around in the bloodstream. High protein diets will promote gluconeogenesis. This is why when you are eating enough protein throughout the day you never crave sugars. This is because the protein is used first by the tissues that need it, second is converted into glucose, and third is converted into urea to be eliminated. As long as you are pumping the system with protein in the correct amount you will be feeling energized and satisfied.
Peak production of whey protein once it enters into the bloodstream is about fifty minutes. After that it begins to degrade in the blood. This is why it is important to continually feed the body with protein. Because it doesn't last long in the blood system and must be replenished in order to keep feeding the tissues, especially muscles. Remember, when you breakdown the tissue you must rebuild it. It is a constant battle between protein synthesis and breakdown. If you only take in a little protein, the tissues won't get enough to rebuild and repair.
Casein is also a derivative of cheese and milk. The protein molecular structure of casein is more bound than that of whey protein. For this reason, casein is a slower metabolizing protein. Casein, like whey, will travel through the digestive channels with relative ease and will bypass strenuous hydrolysis through the liver. Once casein enters into the blood stream, peak production can last between three to four hours. This is considerably longer than whey. This is a good protein to ingest after a long intense exercise bout. The muscles are tired and in need of a good supply of protein. So it only makes sense that you would want to keep an ample supply of protein coursing through the blood system to restore and constantly feed the muscle. Keeping the muscle fed ample amounts of protein will drastically reduce catabolism. Catabolism is the kiss of death to the bodybuilder.
Remember, that amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Protein powders are a great way to get a high concentration of amino acids into the blood system. You must keep amino acids high in your system. Positive nitrogen balance.
Here are my suggestions for using protein supplementation to your advantage.
Supplement your daily diet with both whey and casein protein shakes.
It is best to consume a whey protein forty minutes after your regular protein food meal. The reason for this is because whenever you eat regular food you turn on the digestive channels, which in turn activate the secretion of hormones, insulin and glucagon. With these hormones activated the cells become more permeable because their insulin sensitive receptors have become turned on. This allows for the amino acids to enter into to the cells. Food, depending value and consistency, varies in absorption speed. It could take a while for all the nutrients to enter into the blood stream. Having a whey protein shake will force a fast absorption of amino acids into the bloodstream allowing greater uptake into the muscle cells.
Now consume a casein meal, whether from a protein shake or food, three hours after the initial whey protein meal. This will slow down protein breakdown and keep amino acids high in the blood stream. The key is to saturate the blood system with amino acids to stay in an anabolic condition. This is what building muscle is all about.
By manipulating protein throughout the day in the correct fashion will help you on the road to increasing muscle.
Now go eat some protein and grow!!!!
tags: protein, daryl conant, Vince Gironda, Ron Kosloff, strength, bodybuilding, nutrition
Monday, January 24, 2011
Hi Everyone,
I need your help. THIS IS NOT A JOKE.
Act Today Or Kiss Your Organics Goodbye!
I need your help. THIS IS NOT A JOKE.
Act Today Or Kiss Your Organics Goodbye!
After years of bureaucratic wrangling, Secretary Vilsack and the Obama administration are only days away from approving Monsanto’s genetically modified (GMO) alfalfa. If approved, GMO alfalfa will fundamentally undermine the entire organic industry overnight. In addition, the USDA says American consumers don't care about the contamination of organics.
Please join us in calling on Secretary Vilsack and President Obama to stand up for organic family farmers by rejecting the approval of Monsanto's GMO alfalfa. Tell them to protect organic integrity and seed biodiversity over corporate profits.
I am not a person that forces my political views on anyone. Very seldom do I ever put up a fuss about the government, but this subject hits home. I wrote in my book "diet EARTH" how the natural food supply is contaminated and if something doesn't change then we will lose our "natural" food supply. We will be subjected to eating poisoned, contaminated foods that will make us sick. If this bill passes then we can say good bye to organics. This is terrible. I am angry with those that are trying to ruin our natural food supply, WHAT IS GOING ON!!!
tags: obama's organics, GMO, Vince Gironda, Ron Kosloff, Daryl Conant
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Human Cell
Buff Daddy is for the family man who takes of his responsibilities as a dad and still wants to look BUFF.
Mitochondrion: Houses ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) The high energy compound utlilized by the cells of the body. It the site where sugar and fat is metabolized for energy.
Microtubules: Part of the cell's cytoskeleton these aid movement of substance through the watery cytoplasm.
Centriole: Composed of two cylinders of tubules: essential to cell reproduction
Vesicle: Sac that stores and transports ingested materials waste products and water.
Cytosol: Contains water, proteins and other substances.
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: Consists of folded membranes studded with ribosomes, that extend throughout the cell, helps transport of materials through the cell; site of much protein manufacture.
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum: Network of tubes and flat curved sacs that helps to transport materials through the cell, site of calcium storage, main location of fat metabolism.
Ribosomes: Tiny structure that assists with protein assembly.
Cytoskeleton: Internal framework of the cell made up of microfilaments and hollow microtubules.
Cytoplasm: Jellylike fluid in which organelles float; primarily water, but also contains enzymes and amino acids.
Microfilament: Provides support for the cell, sometimes linked to the cell's outer membrane.
Nucleus: The cell's control center containing chromatin and most the cell's DNA.
Nucleolus: The region at the center of the nucleus, plays a vital role in ribosome production.
Nuclear Membrane: A two layered membrane with pores for substance to enter and leave the nucleus.
Nucleoplasm: Fluid within the nucleus, in which nucleolus and chromosomes float.
Microvilli: These projections increase the cell's surface area, aiding absorption of nutrients.
Golgi Complex: A structure that processes and repackages proteins produced in rough endoplasmic reticulum for release at the cell membrane.
Lysosome: Produces powerful enzymes that aid in digestion and excretion of substances and worn out organelles.
The human body is comprised of about 75 trillion cells. These cells are work synergistically to define the human body. Each cell has their own special function. Every second of human life cells die off and regenerate. This is the normal process of life. We lose around a million cells a day. But we also regenerate close to a million each day. In order to fully understand what exercise and nutrition mean for the human body, we must understand the workings of the cellular machinery. It is within these micro processes that the body exhibits its most fascinating work. It is like an inner cosmos that we are still trying to figure out its origin and communicative operations. I find the human body to be the greatest creation of all living things. There is still so much that I don't know. No matter how many years I study biology, chemistry, kinesiology, physiology, anatomy I continually learn more. I absolutely love this stuff. The cells of the body are so intricate and sophisticated. To think that you can actually change muscle cells to grow bigger and to increase anaerobic and aerobic enzymes, strengthen artery walls, improve cardiovascuar output, from exercise is amazing to me. There is still many things that we don't know about the inner workings of the human body. What we do know is that it is primarily made up of protein, fat and water. Sugar is only stored in muscle and the liver making up only a small portion of the overall composition. If you think about how cells work and are constantly dying off and regenerating you begin to understand that protein is by far the second most important nutrient. Water being first. You must provide the body what it needs to help repair damaged cells. If you lose 1 million cells a day and only replenish a hundred thousand cells then you will be at a deficit and this will increase the aging effect. Proper nutrition is vital for all cellular processes.
I am truly in awe of the human body.
To learn more about how the cells of the body work in conjunction with exercise and nutrition I recommend my book "diet EARTH". It is a revelation into our worlds nutritional support system. A must read for anyone interested in learning more about human cells.
tags: cells, Vince Gironda, Ron Kosloff, Daryl Conant, bodybuilding,
Friday, January 21, 2011
What's On Tap
Over the past few months I have been working on my latest publication Buff Daddy. I am excited for its release. The publishing process takes a little time so it won't be in bookstore's until Spring. Buff Daddy is written for the family man who wants to have a great looking physique. As a Dad I know the stress and responsibilities of running a business and a household. I believe that even through all the responsibilities a man can still look great and continue to bodybuild. I have put together what I feel to be a system that works very well for developing muscle. I will keep you posted on its release.
We are also finishing up the final stages of the InVINCEable video series. This project has taken longer than I expected and I do apologize for the delay. I mentioned a few months ago that it would soon be released, but it got held up in production. So now I am as anxious of its release as you. I will keep you posted on this as I get more information of its release.
I have just begun to work on THE ELITE BODYBUILDING SERIES. I consider this to be a continuation of where Vince left off. Vince developed the Master's and Pro Series, which are fantastic. But after years of doing them I have found that I needed to go to the next level. So I am developing the ELITE BODYBUILDING SERIES. I consider it the next level from the Pro series. It will be one of my best publications to date. It will be for the experienced bodybuilder who wants to go to the next level in their training. I plan on having this done by Summer. I will keep you posted.
I am in the process of selling my AB SYSTEM. I have been working the legalities out and will begin working on a video and instruction book as well as designing the special equipment that I have invented.
Over the past few months I have invented various pieces of equipment. I haven't told anyone about them because I wanted to test them first. I have been using these new pieces and I have to say THEY FREAKING WORK!!! I have actually seen incredible changes. I am so excited about this stuff! I haven't been able to share with you all because I want to protect myself and have some of the pieces patented. I will be working on obtaining some provisional patents, and will keep you posted. I have developed a new style bar that is so simple but so effective in building big beautiful biceps. Another bar for developing great horseshoe triceps, another bar that is probably the most effective for building the back that I have ever come across. I have developed a new piece of apparatus to blast the chest into new growth and I have invented an entire stand alone home gym-- for the purest only.... I am very excited to share this with you all but I must protect myself first before releasing to the public.
Those are some of the projects I am currently working on. It is going to be a busy year for me, but a very exciting one.
We are also finishing up the final stages of the InVINCEable video series. This project has taken longer than I expected and I do apologize for the delay. I mentioned a few months ago that it would soon be released, but it got held up in production. So now I am as anxious of its release as you. I will keep you posted on this as I get more information of its release.
I have just begun to work on THE ELITE BODYBUILDING SERIES. I consider this to be a continuation of where Vince left off. Vince developed the Master's and Pro Series, which are fantastic. But after years of doing them I have found that I needed to go to the next level. So I am developing the ELITE BODYBUILDING SERIES. I consider it the next level from the Pro series. It will be one of my best publications to date. It will be for the experienced bodybuilder who wants to go to the next level in their training. I plan on having this done by Summer. I will keep you posted.
I am in the process of selling my AB SYSTEM. I have been working the legalities out and will begin working on a video and instruction book as well as designing the special equipment that I have invented.
Over the past few months I have invented various pieces of equipment. I haven't told anyone about them because I wanted to test them first. I have been using these new pieces and I have to say THEY FREAKING WORK!!! I have actually seen incredible changes. I am so excited about this stuff! I haven't been able to share with you all because I want to protect myself and have some of the pieces patented. I will be working on obtaining some provisional patents, and will keep you posted. I have developed a new style bar that is so simple but so effective in building big beautiful biceps. Another bar for developing great horseshoe triceps, another bar that is probably the most effective for building the back that I have ever come across. I have developed a new piece of apparatus to blast the chest into new growth and I have invented an entire stand alone home gym-- for the purest only.... I am very excited to share this with you all but I must protect myself first before releasing to the public.
Those are some of the projects I am currently working on. It is going to be a busy year for me, but a very exciting one.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I Don't Get IT!!!
I have been telling people for 25 years eating eggs is healthy for you and that they are the most complete food on the planet. They have the right ratio of fat and protein to assimilate in the body. I eat a large number of eggs per day and have never had any problems with my cholesterol.
When I tell people to eat eggs they tell me that i am crazy and that you shouldn't eat the yolks. They over cook their eggs, they cook only the egg whites or they eat egg substitutes. This is ridiculous! No matter how many times I tell them the science behind the digestion process of the liver and how fat and protein work in the body, they don't listen.
Yesterday some dude named Dr. Oz told America that there is nothing wrong with eating eggs. In fact he continues to say, you can eat as many as you wish without causing an increase in blood cholesterol. High cholesterol is more affected by having increased abdominal fat accumulated around the visceral organs, not from eating eggs.
Wow! This is something new to me--NOT! It is silly that people will only believe something as long as a doctor on a television show says it, and they won't believe someone who has been living what he preaches for the past 25 years. Whatever!!!!
It is discouraging to me that I put everything out there and provide the answers to so many of the questions people have about nutrition and exercise, yet not too many people actually follow what I write. I don't understand why this happens. So many people live in a fear based operating system and must conform to the "sheep herd" mentality. They believe only that which is comfortable and agreed upon with the masses. They are afraid to stray from the herd for fear of being ridiculed or wrong.
I am almost at the point of discontinuing my blog and stopping with writing books because apparently not too many folks out there want to listen to what I am teaching, unless I am a doctor with my own television show.
For those of you that are still interested in the information I provide my book "diet EARTH" is available at:

tags: daryl conant, diet EARTH, Ron Kosloff, nutrition, eggs, cholesterol
When I tell people to eat eggs they tell me that i am crazy and that you shouldn't eat the yolks. They over cook their eggs, they cook only the egg whites or they eat egg substitutes. This is ridiculous! No matter how many times I tell them the science behind the digestion process of the liver and how fat and protein work in the body, they don't listen.
Yesterday some dude named Dr. Oz told America that there is nothing wrong with eating eggs. In fact he continues to say, you can eat as many as you wish without causing an increase in blood cholesterol. High cholesterol is more affected by having increased abdominal fat accumulated around the visceral organs, not from eating eggs.
Wow! This is something new to me--NOT! It is silly that people will only believe something as long as a doctor on a television show says it, and they won't believe someone who has been living what he preaches for the past 25 years. Whatever!!!!
It is discouraging to me that I put everything out there and provide the answers to so many of the questions people have about nutrition and exercise, yet not too many people actually follow what I write. I don't understand why this happens. So many people live in a fear based operating system and must conform to the "sheep herd" mentality. They believe only that which is comfortable and agreed upon with the masses. They are afraid to stray from the herd for fear of being ridiculed or wrong.
For those of you that are still interested in the information I provide my book "diet EARTH" is available at:

tags: daryl conant, diet EARTH, Ron Kosloff, nutrition, eggs, cholesterol
I was asked by a member to discuss the proper methods for recovery. During the day as long as we are awake and moving around we are constantly breaking down cells. We break cells down and then they regenerate and we build new cells, this is the process of life. The more cells that are broken down via muscle cells the more repair is necessary, as I discussed in an earlier post. The only way large amounts of cells can be repaired is through recovery.
Recovery is simple, REST and NUTRIENT SATURATION.
After training it is vital that you take in the right amount of protein, fats, and carbohydrates to stop the catabolic effect. Failure to eat properly after exercise will result in a net loss of muscle tissue. If this becomes a habit then you will begin to gain fat and become chronically fatigued.
During the rest of the day after the post-training meal it is important to continue saturating the VNES (Vital Nutrient Exchange System) with nutrients. The cellular machinery requires amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fats, some sugars to clean out the debris and re-establish cellular configurations. YOu must eat to grow new healthy tissue.
The more you can saturate the blood system with healthy usable nutrients the tissues will recover faster and the catabolic hormones will be turned off.
Before going to bed it is important to take in the correct amount of amino acids to help with the growth factors released during sleep. Sleeping is when most of the recovery and repair is done. A good nights sleep will allow the cells to get fully recharged. This is why it is essential that we eat a well balanced diet with all the cell building materials. Cholesterol is essential in helping to repair and rebuild tissue.
Getting your rest after a training is essential in proper tissue repair and re-growth.
tags: recovery, nutrition, Vince Gironda, Daryl Conant, Ron Kosloff
Recovery is simple, REST and NUTRIENT SATURATION.
After training it is vital that you take in the right amount of protein, fats, and carbohydrates to stop the catabolic effect. Failure to eat properly after exercise will result in a net loss of muscle tissue. If this becomes a habit then you will begin to gain fat and become chronically fatigued.
During the rest of the day after the post-training meal it is important to continue saturating the VNES (Vital Nutrient Exchange System) with nutrients. The cellular machinery requires amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fats, some sugars to clean out the debris and re-establish cellular configurations. YOu must eat to grow new healthy tissue.
The more you can saturate the blood system with healthy usable nutrients the tissues will recover faster and the catabolic hormones will be turned off.
Before going to bed it is important to take in the correct amount of amino acids to help with the growth factors released during sleep. Sleeping is when most of the recovery and repair is done. A good nights sleep will allow the cells to get fully recharged. This is why it is essential that we eat a well balanced diet with all the cell building materials. Cholesterol is essential in helping to repair and rebuild tissue.
Getting your rest after a training is essential in proper tissue repair and re-growth.
tags: recovery, nutrition, Vince Gironda, Daryl Conant, Ron Kosloff
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The Conant Triad
Hi folks. Today I would like to discuss something that I came up with that helps me stay on track. I call it the Conant Triad.
To be successful at your fitness goals it is important to establish balance among nutrition, exercise, and recovery. If any of the walls of the triangle are neglected then the triangle will collapse. Each side of the triangle depends each other for support. When designing a program all three aspects are equally important. You might have a great exercise routine and eat well, but you don't recover properly. Therefore, you will get run down and eventually provoke an overtraining effect. If you exercise and recover well but don't eat well then you will not see results. If you recover and eat well and fail to exercise correctly then you will fail. It is all about staying balanced and following a program that works. And that is what Conant's Triad is all about.
What is your goal? Do you just want to go through the motions and dwell in mediocrity, or do you want to excel and take your fitness to whole new heights? To get to new heights takes tremendous discipline and know how. You must decide if you want to see results or continue going down the road of mediocrity. To truly see change in your body takes a complete change in lifestyle. You must live it everyday....
tags: Vince Gironda, DAryl Conant, Ron Kosloff, Strength training, diet, fat loss, weight loss,
To be successful at your fitness goals it is important to establish balance among nutrition, exercise, and recovery. If any of the walls of the triangle are neglected then the triangle will collapse. Each side of the triangle depends each other for support. When designing a program all three aspects are equally important. You might have a great exercise routine and eat well, but you don't recover properly. Therefore, you will get run down and eventually provoke an overtraining effect. If you exercise and recover well but don't eat well then you will not see results. If you recover and eat well and fail to exercise correctly then you will fail. It is all about staying balanced and following a program that works. And that is what Conant's Triad is all about.
What is your goal? Do you just want to go through the motions and dwell in mediocrity, or do you want to excel and take your fitness to whole new heights? To get to new heights takes tremendous discipline and know how. You must decide if you want to see results or continue going down the road of mediocrity. To truly see change in your body takes a complete change in lifestyle. You must live it everyday....
tags: Vince Gironda, DAryl Conant, Ron Kosloff, Strength training, diet, fat loss, weight loss,
Friday, January 14, 2011
Understanding Protein Part: 1,000,000
Sometimes I feel like a broken record that is played in a room filled of deaf folks. I don't know why trying to explain the reason why we need to eat protein is so difficult. So for the one millionth time I will try to explain the importance of protein.
Every time you move you use breakdown tissue, every time you go to the rest room and eliminate you lose millions of cells. Cells are protein. Just about everything the body is made out of is protein. Protein is the building material of all cells. Protein is the most important compound. Muscle is protein. When you tear down muscle you must replenish it with-- you guessed it-- PROTEIN. You will never build a muscle by consuming only sugar. Sugar is a fuel. Though sugar is necessary for the metabolic processes of the cells it does not make new cells. What makes up the structural integrity of all cells is protein. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. There are 20 amino acids that the needs for proper tissue health, 9 of which are not manufactured (essential) in the body and must be received from food. The problem that I contend with everyday is trying to convince people that they are not taking in enough protein to match their recommended daily allowance. Most people that I talk with all tell me the same thing, "the doctor told me that if I eat too much protein then I will damage my kidney's and liver." People are afraid of eating protein. All I want to know is where did this doctor go to medical school? Because this type of advice is ridiculous. In order to damage your kidney's from eating protein you would have to consume more than what is humanly possible. The human body is the most sophisticated and intricate organism known. It regulates the internal processes quite well. If there is too much protein coming in to the blood stream the body's regulatory systems will quickly resolve the situation. Most of the extra protein will be excreted via urea. It would take years of eating very high concentrations of protein to cause an adverse effect on the kidney's. I have eaten so much protein over the past thirty years that would be considered deadly by medical doctors-- yet, I am still staying upright and feel phenomenal. I am not suggesting that you consume as much protein as I do. We all have our own bio-individuality and must eat according to our own make up. However, I will say it again-- MOST PEOPLE ARE NOT TAKING IN ENOUGH PROTEIN TO match their daily recommended allowance. It seems that people are more concerned with how much fat and carbs they take in rather than trying to get in their recommended daily allowance of protein.
What happens when you don't eat enough protein? You use your own muscle to provide protein to the vital nutrient exchange system. The more you train and break down tissue the more protein you must consume. The more you run -- the more protein you need to consume. The more you cycle-- the more protein you need to consume. The more you get jiggy with that special someone-- the more protein you need to consume. The more you move-- the more protein you need to consume.
Here is the most common scenerio. People try to lose weight (fat) by exercising more and eating less. They consume mostly carbohydrates with little or no fat and protein. They end up putting on fat because they are using too much of their own muscle to provide the VNES its protein needs. The person continues following this schedule only to end up either very skinny with little muscle mass or fat with little muscle mass. The problem with American obesity is based on the fact that most people aren't taking in enough protein. They are taking in plenty of carbs and the doctors aren't saying anything about that. I have heard of more people affected by disease and physiological damage to the internal organs from eating too many carbohydrates than from eating protein. Matter of fact I have never met anyone that has a blown out kidney from eating protein, yet I see clients everyday who suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol. They all take in high levels of carbohydrates with little protein. Sugar is more damaging to the internal organs of the body than protein.
I WILL SAY IT AGAIN. Most people aren't even close to their recommended daily allowance for protein intake.
Eating low grade proteins is not the answer either. Yogurt, fortified protein cereals, grains, are not the best sources of protein. Yes! they have a small of protein in them, but the value is usually low grade. What this means is that by the time the food is digested the protein amount is degraded into a small amount. You would have to consume a ton of the stuff to fulfill your recommended daily allowance. Increasing the quantity will only add more sugars, which is not good. People eat things that are quick and easy to consume -- "ready serve." These types of foods are poor in protein value. You might think you are taking in enough daily protein but the truth is you're not. So the muscles have to be catabolized to fulfill the VNES requirement.
The best sources of protein are eggs, red meat, chicken, fish, some nuts, cheese, unpasteurized cream/milk. These are all the foods that we have been brainwashed in to believing will kill us if we eat them-- go figure. These foods are the staple of my diet and I have never had any adverse effects from consuming them. I am able to maintain muscle mass and have a very low (healthy) body fat percentage. One time I did an experiment and ate nothing but healthy carbohydrates, no protein. Within three weeks I lost almost 10 pounds of muscle and started to gain subcutaneous fat around the waist. As soon as I went back to my regular way of eating I put the muscle back on and lost the extra body fat that I collected.
How do I find out how much protein I need to take in per day? Schedule an appointment with me at The Fitness Nut House or sign up for my online personal training service.
or purchase my book "diet EARTH" at
tags: protein, Vince Gironda, Daryl Conant, Ron Kosloff, diet EARTH
Every time you move you use breakdown tissue, every time you go to the rest room and eliminate you lose millions of cells. Cells are protein. Just about everything the body is made out of is protein. Protein is the building material of all cells. Protein is the most important compound. Muscle is protein. When you tear down muscle you must replenish it with-- you guessed it-- PROTEIN. You will never build a muscle by consuming only sugar. Sugar is a fuel. Though sugar is necessary for the metabolic processes of the cells it does not make new cells. What makes up the structural integrity of all cells is protein. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. There are 20 amino acids that the needs for proper tissue health, 9 of which are not manufactured (essential) in the body and must be received from food. The problem that I contend with everyday is trying to convince people that they are not taking in enough protein to match their recommended daily allowance. Most people that I talk with all tell me the same thing, "the doctor told me that if I eat too much protein then I will damage my kidney's and liver." People are afraid of eating protein. All I want to know is where did this doctor go to medical school? Because this type of advice is ridiculous. In order to damage your kidney's from eating protein you would have to consume more than what is humanly possible. The human body is the most sophisticated and intricate organism known. It regulates the internal processes quite well. If there is too much protein coming in to the blood stream the body's regulatory systems will quickly resolve the situation. Most of the extra protein will be excreted via urea. It would take years of eating very high concentrations of protein to cause an adverse effect on the kidney's. I have eaten so much protein over the past thirty years that would be considered deadly by medical doctors-- yet, I am still staying upright and feel phenomenal. I am not suggesting that you consume as much protein as I do. We all have our own bio-individuality and must eat according to our own make up. However, I will say it again-- MOST PEOPLE ARE NOT TAKING IN ENOUGH PROTEIN TO match their daily recommended allowance. It seems that people are more concerned with how much fat and carbs they take in rather than trying to get in their recommended daily allowance of protein.
What happens when you don't eat enough protein? You use your own muscle to provide protein to the vital nutrient exchange system. The more you train and break down tissue the more protein you must consume. The more you run -- the more protein you need to consume. The more you cycle-- the more protein you need to consume. The more you get jiggy with that special someone-- the more protein you need to consume. The more you move-- the more protein you need to consume.
Here is the most common scenerio. People try to lose weight (fat) by exercising more and eating less. They consume mostly carbohydrates with little or no fat and protein. They end up putting on fat because they are using too much of their own muscle to provide the VNES its protein needs. The person continues following this schedule only to end up either very skinny with little muscle mass or fat with little muscle mass. The problem with American obesity is based on the fact that most people aren't taking in enough protein. They are taking in plenty of carbs and the doctors aren't saying anything about that. I have heard of more people affected by disease and physiological damage to the internal organs from eating too many carbohydrates than from eating protein. Matter of fact I have never met anyone that has a blown out kidney from eating protein, yet I see clients everyday who suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol. They all take in high levels of carbohydrates with little protein. Sugar is more damaging to the internal organs of the body than protein.
I WILL SAY IT AGAIN. Most people aren't even close to their recommended daily allowance for protein intake.
Eating low grade proteins is not the answer either. Yogurt, fortified protein cereals, grains, are not the best sources of protein. Yes! they have a small of protein in them, but the value is usually low grade. What this means is that by the time the food is digested the protein amount is degraded into a small amount. You would have to consume a ton of the stuff to fulfill your recommended daily allowance. Increasing the quantity will only add more sugars, which is not good. People eat things that are quick and easy to consume -- "ready serve." These types of foods are poor in protein value. You might think you are taking in enough daily protein but the truth is you're not. So the muscles have to be catabolized to fulfill the VNES requirement.
The best sources of protein are eggs, red meat, chicken, fish, some nuts, cheese, unpasteurized cream/milk. These are all the foods that we have been brainwashed in to believing will kill us if we eat them-- go figure. These foods are the staple of my diet and I have never had any adverse effects from consuming them. I am able to maintain muscle mass and have a very low (healthy) body fat percentage. One time I did an experiment and ate nothing but healthy carbohydrates, no protein. Within three weeks I lost almost 10 pounds of muscle and started to gain subcutaneous fat around the waist. As soon as I went back to my regular way of eating I put the muscle back on and lost the extra body fat that I collected.
How do I find out how much protein I need to take in per day? Schedule an appointment with me at The Fitness Nut House or sign up for my online personal training service.
or purchase my book "diet EARTH" at
tags: protein, Vince Gironda, Daryl Conant, Ron Kosloff, diet EARTH
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
How Water Can Affect Fat-Loss
How Water Can Affect Fat-Loss
Water helps to naturally suppress appetite. Stored fat is metabolized with water. Many studies have proven that low water intake results in greater fat storage, while a high intake reduces fat storage.
Why does this occur? Water is essential for proper kidney function. If the kidneys are not getting enough water, the body then releases the stored water that is in the tissues of the body to help out. When this occurs the liver is activated to take on some of the kidneys’ workload. The liver's function is to convert stored fat into energy. When the liver is used to help out the kidneys because of low water levels it stops doing its primary job of converting fat into energy to help out. What this means is the that the liver cannot work optimally to metabolize stored fat to be used as energy, so the fat remains in the storage depots.
In order to release fat from the storage depots (cells) it is important to drink enough throughout the day. Water helps regulate the body’s hydration levels. The kidneys will be satisfied and the liver will then be able to go back to its job of converting stored fat to energy. Diuretics, caffeine, and alcohol offer temporary relief in water retention. However, the body will defend itself by regulating the water supply by holding onto every drop of water. In the long run diuretics, caffeine, and alcohol will cause dehydration, because more water is pulled out of the tissues to clear out the foreign compounds. If water levels drop too low, the kidneys won't get enough and then the liver must react and the water deprivation cycle continues, resulting in no fat metabolism. This is why people who are chronic coffee or alcohol drinkers never seem to lose body fat.
Another problem associated with imbalanced water levels in the body has to do with the sodium content in your body. Excessive consumption of salt will retain water in the cells and tissues. This condition can be dangerous to the functioning of the vital systems of the body. Again, if water is inhibited and the kidneys aren't getting enough the deprivation cycle occurs.
It is important to consume enough water each day. The appropriate amount of water for people is 8- 8oz. glasses a day. If the person is obese, then they need to add 1-8oz. to every additional 25 pounds fat. Water cleanses the body and keeps the tissues flushed. Water is essential with producing muscular contractions. Muscle tissue is mostly made up of water. So it is a good idea to activate as much muscle tissue as you can to be able to store more water.
tags: water, Vince Gironda, Ron Kosloff, Daryl Conant, diet EARTH, Fat loss, Diet
Monday, January 10, 2011
Staying Ahead Of Adaptation
I was training today and it happened-- adaptation. I have been training for thirty years and no matter how many years I have been training I have to constantly come up with new ways to stimulate the muscles. I find that the more advanced I become in bodybuilding the harder it is to stimulate the muscles to respond and grow. I know my physiology well enough to know when my body has adapted to the program. For the first couple of weeks on a program I will notice a new feeling in the muscles and will get a good burn and pump in the muscle. I can almost feel the blood flooding into the myofibrals bringing in new nutrients during this time. But after a few workouts following the same program I will notice that the muscles become harder to pump up. They remain somewhat flaccid and cold. There is a disconnect from the mind and muscle. It is as if I cannot feel the muscle working, I am just going through the motion. This feeling occurs when you hit a threshold plateau. Each muscle has a particular threshold of intensity that it can sustain. When you incorporate a new exercise to the muscle the threshold is usually low, meaning that it doesn't take much for the blood to infiltrate into the muscle giving rise to the pump. Blood floods into the muscle because the threshold is low forcing the nervous system to recruit more motor units activating more muscle fibers to help with the load force. As the workouts progress the nervous system learns the load force sequence and will reduce the electrical input to the muscle. This will increase the stimulation threshold of the muscle. What this means is the nervous system has adapted to the stress (load force) being presented on the muscle. There are only two ways in which the muscle can be re-stimulated to boost the neuromuscular system again, 1. lift heavier weights, 2. Change the exercise. Lifting heavier weight will produce a new neuromuscular stimulation, however, the muscle is only able to lift so much weight. It isn't realistic to think that you can keep adding more weight to the bar every time you workout. If you are already working out at 90% max on the first week of the program then there is no way you will be able to add more weight to the bar in the up coming weeks. You will most likely hit the threshold point early and will adapt quickly. If you were to start the program at 50% max and then add 5% to the bar each week then it would take awhile for the muscle to adapt. But eventually you will catch up to the threshold barrier.
The next way is to simply change the exercise. Changing the exercise will produce a whole new neuromuscular stimulation and you will get that wonderful pump in the muscle. But then again after a couple of weeks your muscles will adapt.
The more fit and experienced the muscle is the quicker it will adapt to stress. This means that you have to always change things up to make gains. The secret is knowing how and when to change up the program, and knowing which exercises are the best to do to make the quickest gains.
Remember, if your muscles don't feel pumped and you feel like you are just going through the motions then it is time to change things up.
tags: adaptation, Vince Gironda, Daryl Conant, Ron Kosloff, Diet Earth, patriots, jets, packers, ravens, bears, seahawks.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Hello Fitness Nuts,
This year was a very interesting year at Fitness Nut Enterprises. Thank you all who have supported the Fitness Nut House and have stayed loyal to your fitness and nutrition programs.
Here are the 2010 FITNESS NUT AWARDS
Strangest Laugh............................................. Laura Coughlin
Best Day Time Moon.................................... Todd Cesca
Best at Embarrassing Daryl........................ Danika Whitehouse
Best Guns for a Female over 40 ........................ Jan Auger
Best Guns for a Female Under 40................... Susie Kane
Cutest Baby Girl...................................... Faith Conant (I might be a little Bias on this award)
Best Online Client..................................... Scott Duletzke
Tightest Hamstrings..... Tie: Tim, Kenny, Danika, Brian, Michele
Best Style.................................Joanne Lapoint
The Sweatest Human Being On the Planet..... Brian Powell
Greatest Dane.............Dagmar Sullivan
Most Missed Danish Member...Dagmar Sullivan
Can't wait to see again member.... Dagmar Sullivan
Best Smile........................Wendy Thompson
Best Tenderloin................Ken Mason
Best Sled Bitcher........... Rick Wolf
Best Goatee.....................Rick Wolf
Biggest Jet's Bastard.........RIck Wolf
America's Most Wanted.....Bobby Lee
Best International Online Client(s)..............Karl Crook and Laura Clay
Longest Tenure Client (female)................... Michele Davis
Longest Tenure Client (male)..................... Jeff Bonney
Best at Operating The Rabbit.................... I Think They Know Who They Are
Luckiest Bastard Alive....................... Ken Mason
Living The Dream..............................Ken Mason
Best Guns for Male over 40.....................Wayne Desper
Best Guns for Male under 40......................... Dave Wagoner
Best Shoes.................Chris Vaughan
Biggest Son of Bitch.............................. Doug Spurling
The Best Person To Torment in Class..... Brian Powell
Mother with the Children With The BestHair..... Lana Wescott
Nicest Hands......................Wendy Thompson (Ivan made me)
The Smoothest With the Ladies............. Robert "River Dance"
Loudest Duo........................................... Mark and Jack
Best Workout Top.................... Da Hooch
Wildest Hair............................................ Bobby Lee
Best Tattoos.......................................... Bob Domine
Still The Luckiest Bastard Alive..................... Ken Mason
Best Shake Weight Performance..................... Ken Mason
Best Glutes (female)................... This is a tough one, there are so many but I would have to say everyone who takes my classes have the best &#$es:)
Best Glutes (male)...... GROSS!!!
Napolean's Best Man........Dennis Thayer
Blindest Member........... Pat Clark
Most Flexible........ Vicki Drigotas
Most Likely to open up the Penis Enlargement Spam Email.... Brian Powell
Best Golf Performance................................Scott Stallings
Nicest Legs......................... Jan Auger (she worked hard for this award this year).
Best Wife.............................................. Joy Conant
Hairiest Male................. The Dude Who Shaved In The Men's Room who never cleaned up his mess....
Best Romantic Duo................ Brian and Kim
Best Mini-van Performance.............. Brian Powell
Loudest Burp after a class..................... Jen
Best at Debating Should He live In Maine or Colorado........... Jim
Best in a Wife Beater Tank Top......................................Jim
The Most Interesting Nickname...........................Jimmy Cupcakes
Best "Clothes Packer".......................... Stacy Gile
One Funny Bastard............................. Jeff Bonney
Best Spinning Instructor........................ Danika Whitehouse
Biggest Hands...................................... Doug Spurling
Biggest Feet....................................... Doug Spurling
Most Obnoxious Yankee Fan.................. Ed Karotko
Best Triceps..............Walter Smith
Best Looking....................................That's easy, My Wife JoJo.
Fartiest Dog........................................... My dog Bogey
Most Neurotic Dog......................... My dog Finn
Cutest Boys................................. Perrin and Avery Conant
Most Pregnant............................. Maggie Sinclair
Ricco Sauve.................................. Mole
Best Hair................................. Jan Auger
Biggest Lush.....................All of those that do Strider class
Best Workout Tank Top....................... Nikki Bonjourno
Greatest Covet of Nikki's Tank Top...................... Megan King
Nicest Guy in The World............................ Andy Vail
Guy Least Likely to Date Your Daughter.................. The Dude Who Shaves His Entire Chest In the Mens room and doesn't clean it up.
The Most Sleep Deprived........................... Joy Conant
Greatest To Stall at Getting Into The Next Exercise.........Meridith Rogers, Jan Auger is a close second
Most Committed To Classes.................. Deb Kinney
Greatest Singer............................. Jenny Comeau
Best at The Taiwon Plank Position..................... Tim Good
Best Antique Shop.......... Cory Daniels
Most Mixed Matched Attire Wearer..............Lydia Phillips
Most Southern Draw.................. Lydia Phillips
Most Generous and Well Liked............ Ron Smith
Best Painter........................... Wendy Good
Best Couple..........................Diane and Ed Stone
Best Face Expression During an Exercise Class................ Jenny Comeau, and Pat
Most Likely to Watch an Infomercial on Hair Club for Men... Tim Good and Jon Burns
Most Likely to Try the Shake Weight at Home in Private..... Todd Cesca, Jeff Troiano, Brian Powell
Best Looking Instructor.................... Danika Whitehouse
The Sexiest Instructor......................... Peter Raymond
The Best BaDonkADonk....................... Lee Talevi
Best Dance Moves............................. Danika Whitehouse
Best Mother Daughter Combo.................. Cheryl and Rachel Magalski
Most Wine Consumed in a Year...................... Meredith Rogers
Most Likely to Be President of AA............... Meredith Rogers
Best Adam Lambert Impersonation............ Michele Davis
Best Head Bob During Sprint on Strider.... Kimberly Meserve
Best Tan in Winter.............................. Nikki Bonjourno and The Hooch
One of the Nicest People In The World................... Carla Kennedy-Janes
The Most Missed........................... Lauren Kipp
Best Guns Over 50........................Pat Clark
Best Farm Couple..........................Joan and Burt Cowgill
Civil War Veteran.........................Dennis Thayer
Best Gum Chewer........................Saaaaaaannnnnnnndddddyyyyyyyyy
Loudest Male IN Fitness Nut History...... Craig Hutchins
Best Herbologist......................Craig Hutchins
Worst Toes............................ Craig Hutchins
Best Next Door Neighbor...... Steve Jacobsen
Newest Most Dedicated Member........ Jim
French Revolution Veteran....... Dennis Thayer
Best Name for the Day Before Christmas and New Years.... EVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE
The Most Improved..................... Robert Berkeley
The Supplier of The Happiest Music Collection on an Ipod.. Cynthia Domine
The Greatest DAVY JONES dance Performance............ Yours Truly!! Me... It was a once and only performance.
Still the Luckiest Bastard.................... Ken Mason
Hung Like A Horse.................... A guy named Greg
Longest Car Running....................... Again, yours truly. 18 hours to be exact. oh yea.
The Best Clothes Change in the Hallway....................... Tie: Todd Cesca and Jeff Troiano
Most inconsiderate......................... The dude in the bathroom
The Lost 13th Apostle................... Dennis Thayer
Most Magnificant Femurs............. Cynthia Domine
Best Slumber....... Daryl locking himself out of the house and ending up sleeping in the Durango for the night.
Best Abs..................... Susie Kane and Teri Thompson
Best Pilatiator..............Deb Talmalge
Best Car on the Planet........ Beef's Shelby 500. My stang came in a close second.
Best at Strider...................... Stephanie, and Rick Dempsey
Best in Show...................... Christ Angelos
Greatest Front Desk Employee and Day Care Attendant in Fitness Nut History... Susan LeBlanc
Newest Employee... Walter Smith
Best Oreo Consumption During a Patriots Game.... Walter Smith
Nicest Mother of Triplets...... Maria Merriam
Best Maine Accent.... She's Wicked Pissah....Patti Graham
Best Maintenance Man............Dickie Graham and Bob Ney
Best James Taylor Look-a-like..... Bob Ney
Most reliable on the Same Treadmill Everyday.... Earl Slobada
Greatest Political Forum.... Dick, George, Earl, Jon
Most Serious........................ Peter Gagnon
Favorite High School Teacher.............. Mr. Paquin
Best Eyebrows................................. George Lambert
Best at Measuring the amount of snow............ Blake Baldwin
Best Facebook Client............................ Tim Revels
Best Eeyore Impersonation....... BIG GEORGE
Most Likely to Go To Dunkin Donuts After Working Out.... My Senior Fit Class
The Best Female Exercise Impersonator.............. Michael (Michele) Meserve
The Most Likely To Lift More Weight Than Tim Good...... Wendy Good
The most likely to do more sit ups than Tim Good............... Wendy Good
The most likely to annoy Tim Good........Wendy Good
Best Lying Down Position in Ab Class.... THE SAAAANNNNNNNDDDDYYYYY
The Freakiest Looking Guy.............................. The Frankenstein looking dude that came in thinking about joining up. But I didn't have enough weight for him to lift, so he didn't join. The dude was so freaky looking that he couldn't even turn his head. Steroids does a body good, NOT!
Best Butt Slap During and Exercise Class................ Lee Talevi
Still the Luckiest Bastard Alive................Ken Mason
The Best Member..................... All of You Fitness Nuts......
Well there you have it, this year's Fitness Nut House Awards.
This year was a very interesting year at Fitness Nut Enterprises. Thank you all who have supported the Fitness Nut House and have stayed loyal to your fitness and nutrition programs.
Here are the 2010 FITNESS NUT AWARDS
Strangest Laugh............................................. Laura Coughlin
Best Day Time Moon.................................... Todd Cesca
Best at Embarrassing Daryl........................ Danika Whitehouse
Best Guns for a Female over 40 ........................ Jan Auger
Best Guns for a Female Under 40................... Susie Kane
Cutest Baby Girl...................................... Faith Conant (I might be a little Bias on this award)
Best Online Client..................................... Scott Duletzke
Tightest Hamstrings..... Tie: Tim, Kenny, Danika, Brian, Michele
Best Style.................................Joanne Lapoint
The Sweatest Human Being On the Planet..... Brian Powell
Greatest Dane.............Dagmar Sullivan
Most Missed Danish Member...Dagmar Sullivan
Can't wait to see again member.... Dagmar Sullivan
Best Smile........................Wendy Thompson
Best Tenderloin................Ken Mason
Best Sled Bitcher........... Rick Wolf
Best Goatee.....................Rick Wolf
Biggest Jet's Bastard.........RIck Wolf
America's Most Wanted.....Bobby Lee
Best International Online Client(s)..............Karl Crook and Laura Clay
Longest Tenure Client (female)................... Michele Davis
Longest Tenure Client (male)..................... Jeff Bonney
Best at Operating The Rabbit.................... I Think They Know Who They Are
Luckiest Bastard Alive....................... Ken Mason
Living The Dream..............................Ken Mason
Best Guns for Male over 40.....................Wayne Desper
Best Guns for Male under 40......................... Dave Wagoner
Best Shoes.................Chris Vaughan
Biggest Son of Bitch.............................. Doug Spurling
The Best Person To Torment in Class..... Brian Powell
Mother with the Children With The BestHair..... Lana Wescott
Nicest Hands......................Wendy Thompson (Ivan made me)
The Smoothest With the Ladies............. Robert "River Dance"
Loudest Duo........................................... Mark and Jack
Best Workout Top.................... Da Hooch
Wildest Hair............................................ Bobby Lee
Best Tattoos.......................................... Bob Domine
Still The Luckiest Bastard Alive..................... Ken Mason
Best Shake Weight Performance..................... Ken Mason
Best Glutes (female)................... This is a tough one, there are so many but I would have to say everyone who takes my classes have the best &#$es:)
Best Glutes (male)...... GROSS!!!
Napolean's Best Man........Dennis Thayer
Blindest Member........... Pat Clark
Most Flexible........ Vicki Drigotas
Most Likely to open up the Penis Enlargement Spam Email.... Brian Powell
Best Golf Performance................................Scott Stallings
Nicest Legs......................... Jan Auger (she worked hard for this award this year).
Best Wife.............................................. Joy Conant
Hairiest Male................. The Dude Who Shaved In The Men's Room who never cleaned up his mess....
Best Romantic Duo................ Brian and Kim
Best Mini-van Performance.............. Brian Powell
Loudest Burp after a class..................... Jen
Best at Debating Should He live In Maine or Colorado........... Jim
Best in a Wife Beater Tank Top......................................Jim
The Most Interesting Nickname...........................Jimmy Cupcakes
Best "Clothes Packer".......................... Stacy Gile
One Funny Bastard............................. Jeff Bonney
Best Spinning Instructor........................ Danika Whitehouse
Biggest Hands...................................... Doug Spurling
Biggest Feet....................................... Doug Spurling
Most Obnoxious Yankee Fan.................. Ed Karotko
Best Triceps..............Walter Smith
Best Looking....................................That's easy, My Wife JoJo.
Fartiest Dog........................................... My dog Bogey
Most Neurotic Dog......................... My dog Finn
Cutest Boys................................. Perrin and Avery Conant
Most Pregnant............................. Maggie Sinclair
Ricco Sauve.................................. Mole
Best Hair................................. Jan Auger
Biggest Lush.....................All of those that do Strider class
Best Workout Tank Top....................... Nikki Bonjourno
Greatest Covet of Nikki's Tank Top...................... Megan King
Nicest Guy in The World............................ Andy Vail
Guy Least Likely to Date Your Daughter.................. The Dude Who Shaves His Entire Chest In the Mens room and doesn't clean it up.
The Most Sleep Deprived........................... Joy Conant
Greatest To Stall at Getting Into The Next Exercise.........Meridith Rogers, Jan Auger is a close second
Most Committed To Classes.................. Deb Kinney
Greatest Singer............................. Jenny Comeau
Best at The Taiwon Plank Position..................... Tim Good
Best Antique Shop.......... Cory Daniels
Most Mixed Matched Attire Wearer..............Lydia Phillips
Most Southern Draw.................. Lydia Phillips
Most Generous and Well Liked............ Ron Smith
Best Painter........................... Wendy Good
Best Couple..........................Diane and Ed Stone
Best Face Expression During an Exercise Class................ Jenny Comeau, and Pat
Most Likely to Watch an Infomercial on Hair Club for Men... Tim Good and Jon Burns
Most Likely to Try the Shake Weight at Home in Private..... Todd Cesca, Jeff Troiano, Brian Powell
Best Looking Instructor.................... Danika Whitehouse
The Sexiest Instructor......................... Peter Raymond
The Best BaDonkADonk....................... Lee Talevi
Best Dance Moves............................. Danika Whitehouse
Best Mother Daughter Combo.................. Cheryl and Rachel Magalski
Most Wine Consumed in a Year...................... Meredith Rogers
Most Likely to Be President of AA............... Meredith Rogers
Best Adam Lambert Impersonation............ Michele Davis
Best Head Bob During Sprint on Strider.... Kimberly Meserve
Best Tan in Winter.............................. Nikki Bonjourno and The Hooch
One of the Nicest People In The World................... Carla Kennedy-Janes
The Most Missed........................... Lauren Kipp
Best Guns Over 50........................Pat Clark
Best Farm Couple..........................Joan and Burt Cowgill
Civil War Veteran.........................Dennis Thayer
Best Gum Chewer........................Saaaaaaannnnnnnndddddyyyyyyyyy
Loudest Male IN Fitness Nut History...... Craig Hutchins
Best Herbologist......................Craig Hutchins
Worst Toes............................ Craig Hutchins
Best Next Door Neighbor...... Steve Jacobsen
Newest Most Dedicated Member........ Jim
French Revolution Veteran....... Dennis Thayer
Best Name for the Day Before Christmas and New Years.... EVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE
The Most Improved..................... Robert Berkeley
The Supplier of The Happiest Music Collection on an Ipod.. Cynthia Domine
The Greatest DAVY JONES dance Performance............ Yours Truly!! Me... It was a once and only performance.
Still the Luckiest Bastard.................... Ken Mason
Hung Like A Horse.................... A guy named Greg
Longest Car Running....................... Again, yours truly. 18 hours to be exact. oh yea.
The Best Clothes Change in the Hallway....................... Tie: Todd Cesca and Jeff Troiano
Most inconsiderate......................... The dude in the bathroom
The Lost 13th Apostle................... Dennis Thayer
Most Magnificant Femurs............. Cynthia Domine
Best Slumber....... Daryl locking himself out of the house and ending up sleeping in the Durango for the night.
Best Abs..................... Susie Kane and Teri Thompson
Best Pilatiator..............Deb Talmalge
Best Car on the Planet........ Beef's Shelby 500. My stang came in a close second.
Best at Strider...................... Stephanie, and Rick Dempsey
Best in Show...................... Christ Angelos
Greatest Front Desk Employee and Day Care Attendant in Fitness Nut History... Susan LeBlanc
Newest Employee... Walter Smith
Best Oreo Consumption During a Patriots Game.... Walter Smith
Nicest Mother of Triplets...... Maria Merriam
Best Maine Accent.... She's Wicked Pissah....Patti Graham
Best Maintenance Man............Dickie Graham and Bob Ney
Best James Taylor Look-a-like..... Bob Ney
Most reliable on the Same Treadmill Everyday.... Earl Slobada
Greatest Political Forum.... Dick, George, Earl, Jon
Most Serious........................ Peter Gagnon
Favorite High School Teacher.............. Mr. Paquin
Best Eyebrows................................. George Lambert
Best at Measuring the amount of snow............ Blake Baldwin
Best Facebook Client............................ Tim Revels
Best Eeyore Impersonation....... BIG GEORGE
Most Likely to Go To Dunkin Donuts After Working Out.... My Senior Fit Class
The Best Female Exercise Impersonator.............. Michael (Michele) Meserve
The Most Likely To Lift More Weight Than Tim Good...... Wendy Good
The most likely to do more sit ups than Tim Good............... Wendy Good
The most likely to annoy Tim Good........Wendy Good
Best Lying Down Position in Ab Class.... THE SAAAANNNNNNNDDDDYYYYY
The Freakiest Looking Guy.............................. The Frankenstein looking dude that came in thinking about joining up. But I didn't have enough weight for him to lift, so he didn't join. The dude was so freaky looking that he couldn't even turn his head. Steroids does a body good, NOT!
Best Butt Slap During and Exercise Class................ Lee Talevi
Still the Luckiest Bastard Alive................Ken Mason
The Best Member..................... All of You Fitness Nuts......
Well there you have it, this year's Fitness Nut House Awards.
The New Year Resolution Bull*&$@
This time of year is annoying. Every where I turn people are talking about how they are going to change their life and start anew with their health and fitness programs. Why do so many people wait for January 1st to change their ways. It doesn't make sense. People shouldn't have to wait for a day on the calendar to change their behavior. My take on the situation is that most people are not motivated or disciplined enough to take on the responsibility of taking care of themselves. They need props and silly ritualistic traditions to force themselves to change. Feeling like they are apart of a collective society, they follow the unconscious herd of false expectations. For those of us who "get it" stay in shape year round and love to exercise. Here is my top ten reason why so many people fail at changing their body composition.
10. Lack motivation and Discipline
9. Have no idea how the body works: Neuromuscular system, digestive system etc.
8. Can't identify to good pain vs. bad pain
7. Don't know the proper methodic to use
6. Have a low threshold to pain
5. Impatient: If they don't see results in a week they quit.
4. EGO dominant: They know everything about everything and fail to ask for help.
3. Not knowing when to change the program: Staying one step ahead of adaptation
2. Not knowing how to connect the mind to the muscle for better progress.
1. NOT EATING CORRECTLY: Not using supplements, not taking in enough protein-fats-carbs.
Folks if you want to change your body composition you HAVE TO EAT PROTEIN. I don't know what more I have to say about this. Some folks need to be hit over the head with a 2x4 to wake up and hear what I am saying. IF YOU ARE FAT YOUR BODY IS METABOLIZING MUSCLE TISSUE. To burn fat you must eat protein.
Here is my remedy for reducing fat.
1. Clean the liver, and cleanse the digestive tract.
2. Reduce stressors in your life
4. Stop all junk carbs: low glycemic carbs only.
6. Stop whining and bitching about eating protein. Most people never reach the recommended allowance per day. If I hear one my time about people telling me that they have decided to cut down their protein intake because they heard some bozo tell them that they are going to blow out their kidneys from eating too much protein, I am going to explode. I repeat MOST PEOPLE NEVER GET THE REQUIRED AMOUNT OF PROTEIN THAT THEIR BODY NEEDS in a day.
7. YOU must take supplements. I am tired of hearing about the state of our sorry ass economy and people bitching to me about that they don't have enough money to buy supplements. If you can afford supplements then stop complaining about being fat. Rather than going skiing for the weekend which costs $77.00 per day per person costing about $ 400 for a family, stay home for one weekend save the money and buy some supplements. What is more important to you BEING FAT or being buff. Stop the whining!!!
Supplements that are a must for fat burning.
*Multi-Vitamin paks
*92% Milk and Egg Protein Powder
*Flaxseed and Fish Oil
*Digestive Enzymes
*G.H. Formula. THis is a new product from NSP and is absolutely fantastic. When we sleep we grow. We need growth factors to help support new tissue growth. G.H. Formula supplies the body with the essential amino acids to help establish the growth factors during sleep. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING PRODUCT!!!
TAGS: vince gironda, daryl conant, fat loss, weight loss, weight training, buff, Ron Kosloff
10. Lack motivation and Discipline
9. Have no idea how the body works: Neuromuscular system, digestive system etc.
8. Can't identify to good pain vs. bad pain
7. Don't know the proper methodic to use
6. Have a low threshold to pain
5. Impatient: If they don't see results in a week they quit.
4. EGO dominant: They know everything about everything and fail to ask for help.
3. Not knowing when to change the program: Staying one step ahead of adaptation
2. Not knowing how to connect the mind to the muscle for better progress.
1. NOT EATING CORRECTLY: Not using supplements, not taking in enough protein-fats-carbs.
Folks if you want to change your body composition you HAVE TO EAT PROTEIN. I don't know what more I have to say about this. Some folks need to be hit over the head with a 2x4 to wake up and hear what I am saying. IF YOU ARE FAT YOUR BODY IS METABOLIZING MUSCLE TISSUE. To burn fat you must eat protein.
Here is my remedy for reducing fat.
1. Clean the liver, and cleanse the digestive tract.
2. Reduce stressors in your life
4. Stop all junk carbs: low glycemic carbs only.
6. Stop whining and bitching about eating protein. Most people never reach the recommended allowance per day. If I hear one my time about people telling me that they have decided to cut down their protein intake because they heard some bozo tell them that they are going to blow out their kidneys from eating too much protein, I am going to explode. I repeat MOST PEOPLE NEVER GET THE REQUIRED AMOUNT OF PROTEIN THAT THEIR BODY NEEDS in a day.
7. YOU must take supplements. I am tired of hearing about the state of our sorry ass economy and people bitching to me about that they don't have enough money to buy supplements. If you can afford supplements then stop complaining about being fat. Rather than going skiing for the weekend which costs $77.00 per day per person costing about $ 400 for a family, stay home for one weekend save the money and buy some supplements. What is more important to you BEING FAT or being buff. Stop the whining!!!
Supplements that are a must for fat burning.
*Multi-Vitamin paks
*92% Milk and Egg Protein Powder
*Flaxseed and Fish Oil
*Digestive Enzymes
*G.H. Formula. THis is a new product from NSP and is absolutely fantastic. When we sleep we grow. We need growth factors to help support new tissue growth. G.H. Formula supplies the body with the essential amino acids to help establish the growth factors during sleep. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING PRODUCT!!!
TAGS: vince gironda, daryl conant, fat loss, weight loss, weight training, buff, Ron Kosloff
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